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Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 2:00 PM CST


by Andraea Sartison | Live World Premiere November 5 - 17, 2024 MYTHICAL MEMOIR

A PTE Production

Inspired by a collection of true family stories, Ponderosa Pine is family history turned legend, turned myth. One young girl bears witness to the rise and fall and rise again of a community: an ensemble of Scandinavian ancestors who inhabit a mythical prairie town called Valhalla, trapped between the mountains and the sea, with a horizon that thunders on to eternity. At the centre of the town is a tree that sprouts and grows magically from a tiny seed - a symbol of the community itself. Lyrical, haunting and beautiful, Ponderosa Pine imagines heaven as a small prairie town.

Please call the Box Office if you require ACCESSIBLE SEATING 204-942-5483


Cherry Karpyshin Mainstage
3rd Floor Portage Place
393 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg Manitoba R3B 3H6

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